10 Fun and Engaging Writing Prompts for Students!

Many of my students HATE writing. 

And this HATRED has only grown post-Covid.

This has forced me to be creative with my lesson planning.

I love (I mean really love) supplementing my curriculum with low-stakes writing prompts and contests. 

The purpose of assigning low-stakes writing prompts is to give students the freedom to experiment with ideas, vocabulary, and punctuation. 

When students write on topics that interest them–ideas flourish. 

Students should have a chance to PLAY with ideas and language.

Writing prompts help foster a POSITIVE learning environment. It gives the teacher the chance to recognize diverse INTERESTS and IDEAS of students.

Here are 10 writing prompts that have worked well with my students!

  1. Turn Your Favorite Song Into a Story!


2. You Get 10 Million Dollars If…


3. Use Bruh in a Story


4. Write a Story Featuring an Emoji!


5. Describe Your Dream Car!


6. Tell the Story of this Piece of Art


7. The ULTIMATE Six-Word Story Challenge!

8. Use the Emojis to Create a Story!


9. Show Off Your Knowledge

10. Write a Story About Aliens!

More Story Prompts Here:

Reflective Prompts Here:

More Writing Prompts Here:

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