
Here’s an assortment of activities focused on writing conventions (spelling, capitalization, punctuation and basic grammar).

Language Standard 6-12th Grade ELA: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Edit and Restore the Quotes Activities

Here is a warm-up activity that I use to get my students acting like editors. The goal is for students to focus on writing conventions (spelling, basic grammar, punctuation, and capitalization). If I can get my students to constantly edit their writing, and ask clarifying questions about language, then I am on the right track. 

I have discovered that giving five quotes at a time works best (at least for my students). Keeping these activities short seems to maximize engagement. I also like to turn these tasks into competitions. I either group students in teams or have students complete them individually. The first team or person to accurately restore each quote wins!

Editing Worksheets

Punctuation Practice

Many of my students rarely use periods and commas in their writing, which makes their ideas sound unclear and sloppy. The goal of the following tasks is for students to insert proper punctuation into the given paragraphs. I have found that the more we practice this, the more students will naturally insert punctuation into their own writing.

The first set of videos includes a narration of the text. Students are expected to identify where the reader stops – and add punctuation where necessary. 

The second set of videos do not include a narration. Students are expected to identify where to insert the punctuation by reading the text.

Edit and Restore the Quotes of Frida Kahlo


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Kylian Mbappe


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Kylie Jenner

Edit and Restore the Quotes by Arnold Schwarzenegger

Edit and Restore the Quotes by Usain Bolt


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Anne Frank


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Justin Jefferson

Justin Jefferson Worksheet:

Edit and Restore the Quotes by Patrick Mahomes


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Steve Jobs


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Simon Biles

Edit and Restore the Quotes by Muhammad Ali


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Michael Jordan

Edit and Restore the Quotes

Edit and Restore the Quotes by Alexander the Great


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Sabrina Ionescu


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Neymar


Basic Grammar Activities

Many of my students repeatedly make the same grammatical mistakes. I have learned that a quick explanation and activity can often remedy these issues. Here are activities that cater to common mistakes students make in their writing. Many activities come with a worksheet and QR code. Just print the worksheet and have students scan the code for the video lesson. Or you can complete these activities as a class. I will slowly be adding more videos and activities to this doc. So stay updated!

There, Their, They’re

Extra worksheet to practice their, they’re, and there:

Your vs. You’re


Grammar Practice: It’s vs. Its


Grammar Practice: Lose vs Loose


Principal vs. Principle


Worksheet 1:

Worksheet #2:

What is a Run-On Sentence?

Grammar Practice: Comma Splice


English Grammar: Then vs. Than


How to use a Colon:

Run-On Sentences:


What is Subject-Verb Agreement?


Can You Fix the Run-On Sentences?

To, Too, Two


Affect vs. Effect


Homophones Practice

Homophones Practice #2

Here is a quick editing activity I use with my students.

First, I play the video and have students edit the sentences. Students can do this individually or in groups – it’s up to you.

Second, I have students complete the additional worksheet.

The goal is for students focus writing on writing conventions. 

I hope it helps!


Additional Homophones Activity:

Grammar Police


Grammar Police #2


Grammar Challenge: Fix the Headline

Active vs. Passive Voice

Further vs Farther

Excess vs. Access

Editing Activities (Part #2)

Here is a warm-up activity that I use to get my students acting like editors. The goal is for students to focus on writing conventions (spelling, basic grammar, punctuation, and capitalization). If I can get my students to constantly edit their writing, and ask clarifying questions about language, then I am on the right track. 

I have discovered that giving five quotes at a time works best (at least for my students). Keeping these activities short seems to maximize engagement. I also like to turn these tasks into competitions. I either group students in teams or have students complete them individually. The first team or person to accurately restore each quote wins!

Edit and Restore the Quotes by Jane Goodall

Edit and Restore the Quotes by Stephen Hawking


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Martin Luther King, Jr


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Famous Soccer Players


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Stephen Curry


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Lebron James


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Taylor Swift


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Eminem


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Kim Kardashian


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Albert Einstein


Edit and Restore the Famous Quotes


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Selena Gomez


Edit and Restore The Quotes by Lionel Messi


Edit and Restore the Quotes by the Rock


Edit and Restore the Quotes by George Washington


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Amelia Earhart


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Maya Angelou


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Kobe Bryant


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Cristiano Ronaldo


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Benjamin Franklin


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Frederick Douglass


Edit and Restore the Quotes by C.S. Lewis


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Serena Williams


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Mr. Beast


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Abraham Lincoln


Edit and Restore the Quotes by Harriet Tubman


Edit and Restore the Sentences with the word Accentuate

Edit the Sentences with the Word Tenacious

Spelling Activities


Spelling Challenge


Are You a Better Speller Than People From These States?

Can You Pass a 7th Grade Spelling Test

Can You Pass This Spelling Test?

Spelling Challenge (Advanced Edition)

Can you pass a Spelling Test of Commonly Misspelled Words?

Editing/Grammar Worksheet Here:

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