Many of my students HATE writing.
And this HATRED has only grown post-Covid.
This has forced me to be creative with my lesson planning.
I love (I mean really love) supplementing my curriculum with low-stakes writing prompts and contests.
The purpose of assigning low-stakes writing prompts is to give students the freedom to experiment with ideas, vocabulary, and punctuation.
When students write on topics that interest them–ideas flourish.
Students should have a chance to PLAY with ideas and language.
Writing prompts help foster a POSITIVE learning environment. It gives the teacher the chance to recognize diverse INTERESTS and IDEAS of students.
Here are 10 writing prompts that have worked well with my students!
- Turn Your Favorite Song Into a Story!
2. You Get 10 Million Dollars If…
3. Use Bruh in a Story
4. Write a Story Featuring an Emoji!
5. Describe Your Dream Car!
6. Tell the Story of this Piece of Art
7. The ULTIMATE Six-Word Story Challenge!
8. Use the Emojis to Create a Story!
9. Show Off Your Knowledge
10. Write a Story About Aliens!
More Story Prompts Here:
Reflective Prompts Here:
More Writing Prompts Here:
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