A biography is an account of someone’s life, written by someone else.
For this activity, you will be a biographer. You will write the story of someone’s life.
In this case, you will write the life story of three emojis. That’s right, you will write the life story of three emojis.
Your writing will clearly be a piece of fiction since–well–these emojis are not real people. And if you didn’t know that already, I’m sorry.
This activity, however, gives you the chance to weave together a fascinating story about the lives of three emojis. Perhaps one of the emojis grew up poor, studied hard, and became the principal of an emoji school in emojiville. Or maybe one of the emojis-after having their milk stolen by a bully–became a ninja. A ninja dedicated to bringing bullies to emoj justice–whatever that means.
Be creative with your biographies, and tell an emojiriffic biography for each emoji.