Create a Nonprofit Organization

Have you heard of the Red Cross, Special Olympics, Boy Scouts of America, Amnesty International, or World Wildlife Fund? All these organizations have one thing in common: They are non-profit organizations. A non profit organization is a legal entity that runs sort of like a business. However, it’s goal is not to generate profit for …

Write an Emoji Story

Hello and welcome to Emoji Story. Your mission is to tell a story using the emojis given in this video. For each emoji you will have two minutes to write. You will be given one emoji at a time and you will have a total of five emojis. Use the first emoji to write the …

Why You Should Write

At Tolentino Teaching, our mission is to create writers. We believe humans are driven by ideas. And the best way to find oneself and create oneself is to take action on our ideas. You see, at Tolentino Teaching we believe in the individual. We believe the quirks, desires, dreams, and ponderings of each person–that inner …