Silent Debate (9 Activities)

For this task, you’re going to have an argument with a classmate — but there’s a twist: you won’t be speaking at all. Instead, you will argue on paper.

You’ll share your ideas, respond to your partner, and try to convince them of your point of view, all through writing.The purpose of this task is to help you practice critical thinking and argumentative writing skills. By arguing on paper, you’ll learn how to express your opinions clearly, respond to others’ ideas, and defend your point of view—all without speaking.

I give students 10 minutes to write.

Students then share their written debates with classmates.

Activity #1 (Video and Worksheet): Introduction to Silent Debate


Activity #2 (Video and Worksheet): Should Students Be Paid For Good Grades?

Activity #3 (Worksheet): Should Students be Allowed to Have Cell Phones in Class?

Activity #4 (Worksheet): Should Students Be Able to Grade Their Teachers?

Activity #5 (Worksheet): Should Students Have Longer Recess or Lunch Breaks?

Activity #6: What is the Best Video Game Right Now?

Activity #7 (Worksheet): Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich?

Activity #8 (Worksheet): Should Zoos Exist?

Activity #9 (Worksheet): Do Aliens Exist?